// Fixing the Color Property type Parameter of action to get RGB value and clamp them between 0 and 1.
function RGB(decimalcolorcode)
var color = (decimalcolorcode); // use the property type or put a decimal color value.
var Rr = (color & 0xff0000 ) >> 16; // get red color by bitwise operation
var Gg = (color & 0x00ff00) >> 8; // get green color by bitwise operation
var Bb = (color & 0x0000ff); // get blue color by bitwise operation
var RrGgBb = new vector3d(Rr,Gg,Bb);
var r = (Rr/255); // dividing red by 255 to clamp b/w 0-1
var g = (Gg/255); // dividing green by 255 to clamp b/w 0-1
var b = (Bb/255); // dividing blue by 255 to clamp b/w 0-1
var rgb = new vector3d (r,g,b); // final rgb value to use in the editor
return rgb;
the above function will return RGB value clamped between 0-1, if you want to use a RGB value with 0-255 then simply return "RrGgBb" instead of "rgb" in the last line of the function.
//Color functions and color conversions.
//convert rgba(red,green,blue,and alpha) to hex color and return to draw rectangle with transparency
//return hexcolor value to be used to draw rectangle
function color(r,g,b,alpha)
var r = toHexcol(r); // get hex value for red
var g = toHexcol(g); // get hex value for green
var b = toHexcol(b); //get hex value for blue
var color = (alpha<<24) | ( "0x00"+r+g+b & 0x00ffffff); //return color with alpha transparency correction using bitwise operation
return color;
//Conversion of rgb to hex color
function toHexcol(rgb)
var hexColor = rgb.toString(16); //convert rgb color to string value
while (hexColor.length < 2) {hexColor = "0" + hexColor; } //get hex color from rgb string
return hexColor;
the above 2 functions will be used to convert RGBA color into a Hex color, this can be used to draw rectangles in CopperCube. You can use the function "color(R,G,B,A)" value and the function will update it with a hex color and will allow you to draw complete opaque or transparent rectangles in CopperCube, as you might already know by default CopperCube doesn't allow you to draw completely opaque rectangles but with the above code snippet you will be able to draw opaque rectangles as well.